Between Two Rams: Chats with Grant Heston

Understanding. Undaunted. Unreal. Unflappable.

These are just a few words that describe our team members at Enterprise Marketing and Communications. In our monthly video series, ”Between Two Rams,“ Vice President for EMC Grant Heston sits down for a chat with staff from across the division. You'll hear us tell our own uncommon stories: What we do in our roles at VCU and VCU Health, what we enjoy most about our jobs and what we're passionate about outside of work.

Eric Hart

April 2024

Play Video: Between Two Rams - Eric Hart - Welcome back to another episode of Between Two Rams! This time, Grant Heston, vice president of VCU’s Enterprise Marketing and Communications division, catches up with Eric Hart, director of trademark licensing. Eric works to license any physical representations of the VCU brand on merchandise. In his job, Eric pays attention to both quantity and quality. “I try to come at it from a standpoint of how does this merchandise fit with our overall brand and our story that we're trying to tell,” Eric says, adding that the main goal is to create reasons for consumers to buy VCU branded products. One way he does this is by creating locally relevant products that showcase things about Richmond, like rafting on the James river. Grant and Eric also discuss how VCU ranks in the top five for merchandise sales for institutions that do not have a football team. Grant says, “That's a pretty good place to be!” Eric tells Grant his “UNword” is “UNderstanding,” as it relates to VCU’s merchandise consumers. Eric says this often means “being understanding when I get told no in some cases because hey, that doesn't make sense right now for the brand.” The pair finish with Eric’s favorite hobby - karaoke. Grant tells Eric he’s heard he’s a great singer, and Eric says “I don't know who you heard that from, but I can assure you that is not the case!” The two belt out lyrics to a tried and true favorite, Sweet Caroline, with Grant’s singing voice really stealing the show.

Eliana Grijalva

June 2023

Play Video: Between Two Rams - Eliana Grijalva - Welcome back to Between Two Rams with Grant Heston, vice president of VCU’s Enterprise Marketing and Communications division! In this episode, Grant sits down with Eliana Grijalva, executive events coordinator for VCU. Working in the dynamic and fast-paced world of events can be daunting, but Eliana says her favorite part of the job is taking care of people. “If I can see someone and either fix an issue, get them something they need, or just make them feel a little bit more comfortable in the moment, that’s the most rewarding part for me and that makes my job worthwhile.” Eliana discusses the challenges and rewards of managing multiple events, such as coordinating the balloon drop at commencement. Although she’s afraid of heights, Eliana ensured a successful balloon drop – and the rest is black and gold history! We also have a special guest this episode, Eliana’s one-year-old puppy, playfully nicknamed “Cinnamon Toast Crunch,” or “Crunch” for short. Crunch was even a part of the “UNcommon” brand launch, and shows his VCU pride in this video! Grant and Eliana wrap up their chat by discussing her “UN-word.” “I wanted to make mine a little bit aspirational,” she says, adding that she’s working towards being “UNdaunted.” “I want to get to a point where if it's a new big adventure, if it's a good project that we're about to start, even if it's seemingly a challenge that is impossible, you just get rid of the ‘daunt’ and just say, where do I jump in?”