Between Two Rams: Chats with Grant Heston

Understanding. Undaunted. Unreal. Unflappable.

These are just a few words that describe our team members at Enterprise Marketing and Communications. In our monthly video series, ”Between Two Rams,“ Vice President for EMC Grant Heston sits down for a chat with staff from across the division. You'll hear us tell our own uncommon stories: What we do in our roles at VCU and VCU Health, what we enjoy most about our jobs and what we're passionate about outside of work.

Camille Coy

December 2024

Play Video: Between Two Rams: Camille Coy - Welcome to the last edition of Between Two Rams with Grant Heston for 2024! This episode, Grant sits down with Camille Coy, EMC’s Director of Strategic Initiatives. Camille’s role has two functions, supporting employee engagement efforts and leading the administration department. For Camille, company culture means “working in an environment where contentment is really your right,” and adds that “we want folks to feel like they belong here.” Grant mentions that Camille’s office is often filled with the sound of laughter. Camille says that laughter “allows us to take a step back from any issue or problem and come at it from a different approach after having that light-hearted moment.” Maybe this is why, according to Grant, she is the “most well-known person in our division!” Camille adds that she appreciates the relationships that she’s been able to cultivate and has made some life-long friends at VCU. Grant asks Camille what her UN word is, and she responds with “unguarded.” “I approach everyone the same way just with openness and curiosity… Sometimes it gets me in trouble but overall, the benefits outweigh any kind of negative association with being open with people.” Grant and Camille wrap up with a few dad jokes, and Grant rates them as either funny or goofy as a dad who tells jokes. You’ll have to watch for the full rundown! Learn more about VCU’s Enterprise Marketing and Communications division. Find out more about Grant Heston, Vice President for Enterprise Marketing and Communications for VCU and VCU Health System. Interested in attending VCU? Visit the Admissions website.

Nina Friar

October 2024

Play Video: Between Two Rams: Nina Friar - Welcome to a very spooky episode of Between Two Rams! This episode, Grant joins Nina Friar, VCU Health Strategy Marketing Manager, in a very uncommon location, Hollywood Cemetery! Grant and Nina chat about poetry, and Nina quotes Thomas Gordon, the tombstone the pair are visiting. “To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield," she quotes. “That’s all about unwavering commitment, and that's something that I think that we care a whole heck of a lot about in Enterprise Marketing and Communications,” she says. Nina then gives a little backstory about her relationship with Hollywood Cemetery, which includes a run in with Bob Dylan when she was a teenager. “Hollywood Cemetery actually has a very special place in my heart,” she concludes. “I've traveled to six of seven continents, lived on three, and I really think Richmond is the coolest place on earth.” After a discussion about her role with VCU Health and her time in VCU’s Executive MBA program, Nina drops a pretty surprising un-word. “So just for today, because it's October and because we're in the cemetery, I'm going to say UNdead.” She adds that she loves people, her colleagues in EMC, and the stories she gets to tell at VCU Health. Grant wraps it up with his un-word for the day: UNafraid. “It's still daylight out, so I will be UNafraid to walk through here for another few hours!” he says. Happy Halloween from EMC! �� Learn more about VCU’s Enterprise Marketing and Communications division. Learn more about VCU Health. Find out more about Grant Heston, Vice President for Enterprise Marketing and Communications for VCU and VCU Health System. Interested in attending VCU? Visit the Admissions website.

Corey Byers Standlick

June 2024

Play Video: Between Two Rams - Corey Byers Standlick - Welcome back to another episode of Between Two Rams with Grant Heston! On this episode, Grant sits down with Corey Byers Standlick, Senior PR Specialist for VCU Police. Corey describes how she manages the department’s communications, social media, and media relations, among other things. The day to day can be a bit unpredictable, as the team responds to critical communications needs. Although Corey is physically located in the police department, she is in contact with the PR team daily to maintain open lines of communication. “We know if there's something really serious we need to discuss, we just pick up the phone and call and we come up with a plan really quickly,” she says. Grant asks Corey what her UNword is, and unsurprisingly, she responds with “UNdaunted.” “Sometimes some of the communications I'm working on can be really challenging, and I just try to drop whatever I'm working on and refocus and reprioritize very quickly,” she says. Outside of work, Corey has been making pottery for about 9 years. Corey has Grant try his hand at the pottery wheel, which results in the “best volcano” Grant has ever made. Tune in to see the finished product! Learn more about VCU’s Enterprise Marketing and Communications division. Learn more about VCU Police. Find out more about Grant Heston, Vice President for Enterprise Marketing and Communications for VCU and VCU Health System. Interested in attending VCU? Visit the Admissions website.

Eric Hart

April 2024

Play Video: Between Two Rams - Eric Hart - Welcome back to another episode of Between Two Rams! This time, Grant Heston, vice president of VCU’s Enterprise Marketing and Communications division, catches up with Eric Hart, director of trademark licensing. Eric works to license any physical representations of the VCU brand on merchandise. In his job, Eric pays attention to both quantity and quality. “I try to come at it from a standpoint of how does this merchandise fit with our overall brand and our story that we're trying to tell,” Eric says, adding that the main goal is to create reasons for consumers to buy VCU branded products. One way he does this is by creating locally relevant products that showcase things about Richmond, like rafting on the James river. Grant and Eric also discuss how VCU ranks in the top five for merchandise sales for institutions that do not have a football team. Grant says, “That's a pretty good place to be!” Eric tells Grant his “UNword” is “UNderstanding,” as it relates to VCU’s merchandise consumers. Eric says this often means “being understanding when I get told no in some cases because hey, that doesn't make sense right now for the brand.” The pair finish with Eric’s favorite hobby - karaoke. Grant tells Eric he’s heard he’s a great singer, and Eric says “I don't know who you heard that from, but I can assure you that is not the case!” The two belt out lyrics to a tried and true favorite, Sweet Caroline, with Grant’s singing voice really stealing the show.

Danielle Pierce

March 2024

Play Video: Between Two Rams - Danielle Pierce - Welcome back to another episode of Between Two Rams with Grant Heston! On this episode, Grant sits down with Danielle Pierce, director of public relations for VCU Health. Grant asks Danielle what her typical day is like, and Danielle responds that there’s no typical day in PR. “Every single day looks a little different and I love that because it gives me the opportunity to continue to learn and grow in my role.” One of the stories that stands out the most in Danielle’s career is working with the Sickle Cell Department, who recently completed a clinical trial on one of the newly approved FDA gene therapy treatments. On the other hand, crisis communication situations can arise at almost any time with no warning. Danielle says it’s the work that goes in ahead of time that helps in these situations. “If you have that foundation and you know the steps to take in a crisis communication, or the steps that you need to take for issues management, it helps make that crisis a little bit easier,” she says. Grant asks Danielle her UNword, and she chooses UNflappable. “In Crisis Communications and Issues Management, it's important to approach each time with being calm, cool and collected and so I hope that I present in an UNflappable way.” Grant wraps up by giving Danielle her favorite treat, chocolate! Learn more about VCU’s Enterprise Marketing and Communications division. Learn more about VCU Health. Find out more about Grant Heston, Vice President for Enterprise Marketing and Communications for VCU and VCU Health System. Interested in attending VCU? Visit the Admissions website.

Amy Lacey

October 2023

Play Video: Between Two Rams - Amy Lacey - In this episode of Between Two Rams, we join host Grant Heston at VCU's Cary Street Gym to talk with Amy Lacey, senior public relations specialist for the VCU Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center. Amy shares her passion for exercise as a way to maintain balance in her busy life as a professional and full-time mom. She emphasizes the importance of prioritizing her physical and mental well-being, even in small ways like taking 10-minute walks while working from home. Amy reflects on her work at Massey, describing it as deeply inspiring. “What I love about my job is that there is no shortage of stories to tell,” she says. Amy goes on to highlight the hope and breakthroughs Massey provides patients, as well as the privilege of telling stories about patients, clinicians, and researchers accomplishing incredible advancements in cancer care. The conversation also touches on Massey’s alignment with VCU’s "UNcommon" brand, which Amy describes as "UNstoppable," symbolizing their dedication to a future without cancer. Amy shares how she brings lightness to serious work environments and discusses her “UNword” — UNwavering — representing her resilience in both personal and professional challenges. The episode wraps up with plans to hit the gym’s rowing machines! Learn more about VCU’s Enterprise Marketing and Communications division. Learn more about the Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center. Find out more about Grant Heston, Vice President for Enterprise Marketing and Communications for VCU and VCU Health System. Interested in attending VCU? Visit the Admissions website.

Eliana Grijalva

June 2023

Play Video: Between Two Rams - Eliana Grijalva - Welcome back to Between Two Rams with Grant Heston, vice president of VCU’s Enterprise Marketing and Communications division! In this episode, Grant sits down with Eliana Grijalva, executive events coordinator for VCU. Working in the dynamic and fast-paced world of events can be daunting, but Eliana says her favorite part of the job is taking care of people. “If I can see someone and either fix an issue, get them something they need, or just make them feel a little bit more comfortable in the moment, that’s the most rewarding part for me and that makes my job worthwhile.” Eliana discusses the challenges and rewards of managing multiple events, such as coordinating the balloon drop at commencement. Although she’s afraid of heights, Eliana ensured a successful balloon drop – and the rest is black and gold history! We also have a special guest this episode, Eliana’s one-year-old puppy, playfully nicknamed “Cinnamon Toast Crunch,” or “Crunch” for short. Crunch was even a part of the “UNcommon” brand launch, and shows his VCU pride in this video! Grant and Eliana wrap up their chat by discussing her “UN-word.” “I wanted to make mine a little bit aspirational,” she says, adding that she’s working towards being “UNdaunted.” “I want to get to a point where if it's a new big adventure, if it's a good project that we're about to start, even if it's seemingly a challenge that is impossible, you just get rid of the ‘daunt’ and just say, where do I jump in?”

Taylor MacKillop

January 2023

Play Video: Between Two Rams - Taylor MacKillop - Welcome back to Between Two Rams with Grant Heston! This episode, Grant sits down with Taylor MacKillop, who has been part of EMC’s Video and Photo team for 8 years. Taylor’s role is a mix of collaboration and creativity, coordinating projects, brainstorming ideas, and editing videos. His favorite part of his job is telling patients’ stories by getting them to open up and share their experiences. The project that stands out most to Taylor is a transplant he covered in 2018. A young woman was getting a heart transplant, and he captured the moment her new heart began beating. “All the machines started going off, and there was just like fireworks, absolute goosebumps, and it was unforgettable,” he said. Off the clock, Taylor enjoys spending time with his family on hikes and day trips, tinkering with motorcycles, and experimenting with cooking, particularly barbecue and stir-fry. Grant asks Taylor what his UNword is, and he chooses UNderstanding. “Sitting across from patients and doctors kind of teaches you to listen,” he says, and mentions that his colleague and mentor Joe taught him how to sit down and listen to doctors and patients when interviewing. Learn more about VCU’s Enterprise Marketing and Communications division. Learn more about VCU Health. Find out more about Grant Heston, Vice President for Enterprise Marketing and Communications for VCU and VCU Health System. Interested in attending VCU? Visit the Admissions website.